It is one of the best known and appreciated honeys, characterized by a high fructose content, responsible for its physical characteristics and high sweetening power.
Transparent and slightly amber colored, it is the honey preferred by children for its delicate and not too persistent taste.
Tasting insights
Dal sapore molto dolce e delicato, tipicamente vanigliato, si presenta di colore trasparente e questa è la caratteristica specifica del miele di acacia. Esso rimane liquido per tutte le stagioni dell’anno senza presentare cristallizzazione, come invece succede per tutti gli altri tipi di miele.
Ideal if used as an alternative to all-purpose sugar.
Excellent pairing with blue cheeses such as gorgonzola, blue cheese or provolone and aged Tuscan pecorino.
Also ideal on slices of bread with raw ham or in combination with dried fruit such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios or hazelnuts.
It is particularly suitable for babies and children and its richness in levulose makes it tolerable, in small doses, by people with type 2 diabetes mellitus as it has very low sucrose content and higher than normal fructose levels. For this reason it is often used as an alternative to synthetic sweeteners in various hot and cold drinks.
According to some sources of “natural medicine”, acacia honey could be endowed with various therapeutic qualities, among which: purifying the liver and improving intestinal balance; it could also hinder certain affections of the pharynx, by virtue of the antibacterial properties.
Finally, it is also considered a valid aid against stomach acid and for the well-being of the digestive system.